
Year 10 Work Experience 

Parent Consent for Work Experience: this form needs to be completed by one parent or carer of the student going out on work experience, once a placement has been found.

Employer Placement Form: this form needs to be completed by the employer offering the placement to provide details of the tasks the student will be doing and any health and safety measures in place.

The deadline for completing the forms for the year 2023 is Friday 10th May 2024.

Year 9 Takeover Challenge 

Parent Consent for Work Experience: this form needs to be completed by one parent or carer of the student going out on work experience, once a placement has been found.

Employer Placement Form: this form needs to be completed by the employer offering the placement to provide details of the tasks the student will be doing and any health and safety measures in place.

The deadline for completing the forms for the year 2023 is Friday 20th October 2023.


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