Careers News

Upcoming events for Term 1 and 2 of 2022 are

Year 11 Careers Convention and Year 9 Takeover Day.

If employers/post-16 providers would like to get involved with an upcoming careers event or would like to be involved in SBS careers provision, please complete the Microsoft Forms linked here

Year 9 Takeover Day 2021 

On Thursday 25 November, 120 of our Year 9 students took part in a day’s work experience on our Takeover Challenge day, ‘taking over’ roles at local (and some further afield) companies – a huge success!   

They managed to secure some fantastic placements across a range of different professions and settings including: web design and digital marketing, education, construction, finance, catering, healthcare, animal care, engineering, product design and printing, agriculture, football clubs, the Armed Forces and the police.  

The feedback from our pupils was incredibly positive:  

  • 100% of our students said that Takeover provided a quality learning experience outside of the classroom. 

  • 93% of our students said that it would help them either a lot or a little in their future career planning. 

  • 98% said that the experience helped a lot or a little in developing leadership and employability skills.  

Some of the comments from students were: "I got to experience the real world/the workplace", "I could see a lot of options for my future" and "it was great and extremely fun!" The main suggestion for improvement was to make the experience longer, so we are sure they will all look forward to their week of work experience in Year 10! 

They clearly enjoyed the day immensely, whilst learning lots and improving their employability. A huge thank you to all the employers for hosting our pupils and to parents for organising placements and supporting the young people with this event. 

House System

St Birinus has a vibrant House system which ensures that staff and students work together to create a positive school community where everyone is included.
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