Local Governing Body

The Governing Body meets as a whole five times a year and in addition conducts some business through the following specialist committees, which meet regularly through the year:

Sixth Form (Chair: Jill Judson, Didcot Girls' School Vice Chair of Governors & RET Trustee)

The Chair and Vice Chairs may be contacted directly on: governors@st-birinus.oxon.sch.uk

The Governing Body expects the school to be a safe and enjoyable place for teaching and learning and has high expectations of its staff and students. It is proud of the achievements of its students whether academic, vocational or in a wide range of extra-curricular activities, including within Didcot Sixth Form, which we run in partnership with Didcot Girls' School. We are also a proud member of the wider Didcot community.We were pleased that OFSTED evaluated the school as Good at its latest inspection in 2020 and that the report commented 

"St Birinus School is a vibrant and inspiring place for pupils to learn. Pupils are very proud of their school. They feel it is a friendly and welcoming place where they really feel valued."

However, we always strive to do better, to deliver the best possible education for our young people so that they can each achieve their full potential and make the most of the opportunities and face up to the challenges before them.

Conor Byrne, Chair of the Governing Body

Governance Lead: Miss C Ball cball@ridgewayeducation.com

SBS Local Governing Body


Appointment type

Term of office


Special roles

Dr Julie Andrews Trust-appointed 26/09/23 - 25/09/27 LGB Careers

Mr Graham Ballantyne


05/12/23 – 04/12/27


LGB Vice Chair

Mr Conor Byrne


11/10/22 - 10/10/26

LGB; RET Finance & General Purposes Governor Representation: Sixth Form Committee

LGB Chair; Health & Safety

Ms Samantha Drew Parent Governor 28/09/23 LGB Careers

Mr Jon Driscoll

Trust- appointed

18/07/22 -  17/07/26

LGB; Sixth Form Committee

LGB Vice Chair, Pupil Premium

Mr Andrew Forgan

Trust- appointed

07/03/23 - 06/03/27

LGB; Sixth Form Committee


Mr Les Hopper Parent Governor 28/09/23 - 27/09/27 LGB Curriculum

Mr William Manning

Ex-officio - Headteacher

From 01/09/19

LGB; Sixth Form Committee

Mr Gary Mcintyre Parent Governor 28/09/23 - 27/09/27 LGB  
Mr Mitt Nathwani Trust-appointed 09/12/21 - 08/12/25 LGB Safeguarding

Mrs Sally Scott


11/10/22 - 10/10/26



Mr Alexander Shepherd Parent 24/06/21 - 23/06/2025 LGB SEND
Miss Hannah Rabey Staff 14/10/21 - 13/10/24



Mrs Rachael Warwick

Ex-officio - CEO




Historic records - governors who have left within the last year


Appointment type

Appointment dates

Mrs Claire Greenough Trust-appointed 09/12/21 - 01/12/22
Mr Seth Howes Trust-appointed 09/12/21 - 22/06/23
Mr Angus Horner Trust-appointed 05/02/20 - 20/09/23
Mrs Natasha Millard Trust-appointed 09/12/21 - 26/09/23



Page Downloads Date  
SBS Governors Register of Business and P... 20th Oct 2023 Download
SBS Governor Attendance 2022 23 26th Sep 2023 Download
SBS Governor Attendance 2023 24 09th Jul 2024 Download

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